
Dress your Doll

Making Barbie clothes is child's play with the DressYourDoll collection.

Our collection contains a variety of silhouettes, so fashion lovers are sure to find one that suits their unique style.

Simply cut out the pre-printed printouts in pliable, stretchy and non-fraying fabric, and sew along the dotted lines (with the print on the inside).

The result? A trendy outfit that fits any fashion doll!

The silhouettes come in 4 different levels of difficulty indicated using a scissors key. 1 scissors is 'super easy' and suitable for children 7 and older.

Already familiar with cutting and sewing? Then opt for 2 (‘easy’), 3 (‘slightly more difficult’) or even 4 scissors (‘difficult’)!

In addition to the pattern being printed on fabric, each package contains a paper pattern so that you can make the outfit again in a different fabric. 

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